From The Ashes: The Year That Changed Everything

2024 Reflections

2024… Honestly, where do I even start? This year has tested me in ways I could never have imagined. It’s been a whirlwind of challenges, heartbreak, and growth, yet somehow, against all odds, I’ve come out on the other side feeling more independent, more confident, and deeply reflective.

I’ve always been a reflective person. I love looking back on memories, especially those captured through the lens of my camera — especially those I’ve taken over the past 12 years since I created CatsDog Photography. While my 30s have been my favourite decade so far, the end of that era brought a bombshell I never saw coming.

I won’t go into details, but if you’ve ever been betrayed by someone you built a life with, you’ll know it cuts deep and changes you in ways you never expected. But here’s the thing about change—it’s not always bad.

The first appearance I made on social media after several months

A Phoenix Rising

Towards the start of the year, I booked a tattoo of a phoenix rising from the ashes. It felt symbolic—a reminder that no matter how low I felt, I could rise again. 🐦‍🔥  It took my little phoenix much longer than I’d hoped to soar above the flames, but she beat her wings persistently. True to my favourite motto, “persistence always pays off,” she finally did.

This year redefined my journey both professionally and personally.  Persistence always pays off, and these last 12 months have been proof of that.

So, for anyone seeking inspiration in times of darkness, I invite you to read on. Throughout this account of my challenging 12 months, I’ve sprinkled in the photos I captured along the way. I hope they allow you to share in my journey and perhaps find a spark of light in your own.


The first silver lining of 2024 occurred just a few days into the year, shortly after my life, as I had known it for the past decade, fell apart. During a group chat with some close friends, I found myself saying half-jokingly, “I’m just going to get more dogs.” Weirdly, at the very moment I typed that, another friend reached out to ask if I would like to adopt her little Chihuahua, Mabel, as she could no longer care for her.

My heart leapt into my mouth as I quickly replied that I absolutely would. I have to admit, a small part of me wondered if I was being completely irrational. I had just experienced a massive life-changing event, and here I was, deciding to adopt a dog. Was I thinking clearly? But deep down, I knew it was the right decision.

Looking back, I’m so glad I went through with it. Mabel probably wouldn’t have come into my life if not for the circumstances I was in, and many people have remarked that she was an excellent “trade-in.” On reflection and given the context, I can’t say I disagree.

The Photography Show Crisis

Mabel has been a whirlwind addition to my pack. Within just a few months of joining my household, she channelled her inner Houdini and managed to escape, spending the night in the cemetery near my house and leaving me frantic. My incredible friends rallied around, searching the graves with me through the night, but we had no luck. So many kind people on social media pitched in, sharing her missing poster far and wide.

As if her disappearance wasn’t stressful enough, the next morning, I was supposed to be speaking at the prestigious annual Photography Show at the NEC in Birmingham, in collaboration with Pixapro. I had spent weeks preparing my talk on dog photography, and I knew people were looking forward to it—but I couldn’t leave until I found her.

By some miracle, a kind local recognised her from the social media posts, spotting her wandering nearby. They brought her back to me, tired but entirely unphased. She gave me a look that seemed to say, “What? I just went out—what’s the big deal?”

Dirty little stopout, Mabel!

With my girl safe and sound, I could thankfully,  make it to the Photography Show just in time to deliver my talk. The whole experience was a wild test of resilience!

Honestly, the first half of the year was a blur. My confidence was shaken, and I felt like I’d lost a part of myself. But I knew one thing for sure: I just had to keep going. That became my motto—“Just keep going.”

Swipe left to see another version of this portrait of my three girls–which do you prefer? I’m torn!

The winter season brought back my Colour Sessions for the second year running. Click the examples below to make them bigger if you wish!

You might be surprised to learn that these colourful backgrounds are created not with painted backdrops, but with a lighting techniques gel lighting. Inspired by a desire to brighten the dreary months, I use gel lighting to create vibrant, colourful portraits. It’s a technique I love for its creativity, and I’m thrilled to offer these sessions again in 2025. Applications for the opportunity to take part with your dog are now open for a limited time — and whats more applications are FREE!  LEARN MORE HERE

Rebuilding Confidence

Once my 2024 Colour Sessions were wrapped, it was time for me to head back outside and restart my classic on-location Dog photography adventures. But one problem. My confidence was shattered. Yes, I had worked in photography all my working life, and I set up CatsDog independently way before anyone else was involved back in 2013. Nevertheless, I found myself questioning if I could still do this, which might surprise you, given how outwardly bubbly and confident I am, but you have to remember my whole world has been shattered at this point and I still hadn’t really come to terms with that. I figured there was only one way to find out if I could, and that was to just do it. Rather like when I first started out as a professional photographer, I decided to fake it until I made it, put on a big smile and just go for it. Convincing yourself to wing something is often the best way, because in reality you might not actually be winging it as much as you think you are but by allowing yourself the grace to just give it a go even if you’re not feeling fully confident you give yourself the opportunity to prove to yourself that you can in fact to do this.

In front of Ingleton Falls before we headed out to create my Scarf Project portrait of Rapha — to be revealed in my next YouTube video, coming soon!

So many of my friends rallied around me during this challenging period, and I will never forget each and every one of their efforts.

One of those friends was fellow photographer Dave. Not only did he come along to The Photography Show to assist with my talk on dog photography, but he and his wife also travelled all the way from Dorset with their dog, Rapha, for an adventure through the Yorkshire Dales. Their goal was to help rebuild my confidence by creating a brand-new Scarf Project photo—something I was feeling incredibly anxious about at the time.

Their kindness and determination, staying with me until the sun disappeared below the horizon so I could get “just a few more shots” to capture the perfect moment, left a lasting impression on me. Moments like these remind me how even the smallest gestures of support can mean the world to someone at rock bottom. It’s the little things that can truly help a person begin to rebuild.

Swipe for a selection of portraits created Spring/Summer of 2024

It Really Felt Like Starting Again

There was one session I remember in particular that my lovely Mum (a bona fide employee of CatsDog!) came along to assist. You know when you get those negative self-talk voices in your head? Well, they were chattering away at me throughout the whole of the session. But I got my head down, dug into the depths of my soul to pull out some creative energy, put a smile on my face and carried on the best I could. This was a special occasion for my client and I wanted it to feel like it for everyone involved! When I got into the car with my mum, she turned to me and said wow, you were so full of life and confidence throughout that session! I turned to her in disbelief and said,

“Are you joking?! I felt like I was falling apart inside throughout that session.”

My Mum was surprised, telling me that it hadn’t come across at all, and I could tell she wasn’t just saying it to make me feel better. Well, I thought to myself at least I can still do my job even if the inside of me feels like a snow globe that has been shaken up.


Towards the end of spring, I decided to plan a photography trip to Edinburgh and opened up bookings for sessions while I was there. Travel sessions have always been a cherished part of my business, and having absolutely adored the Scottish capital on my last visit, it felt like the perfect idea.

While in Edinburgh, I took the chance to capture some special photographs of my now-expanded pack. I invited my good friend Sadie to join me on the trip, she was my rock throughout this tough year – and that extended to epic dog photography adventures! She lent her support as we trekked up Arthur’s Seat through a sea of yellow flowers to catch the sunset, wandered through Edinburgh’s rainy streets in search of the most colourful and unique doorways, and even slipped under a fence to photograph my dogs on a brand-new bridge in Leith that hadn’t yet opened to the public! 🤭 It’s quite possible my three were the first dogs ever to set paw on that bridge.

For the first time in a while, I could feel a part of me starting to thaw out. I was back doing what I loved most. But deep down, my soul still didn’t feel fully lit up—I was still carrying a lot of pain.

To anyone feeling broken or lost right now, I hope this story and the photographs I created during this time can serve as a testament to what’s possible, even when you don’t feel like yourself. Don’t give up. Just keep going. Whether it’s next week, next month, or next year, there will come a point where things start to feel normal again—little by little. JUST. KEEP. GOING.

Swipe for a selection of Portraits of Ettie (first three) and Lady (second three) up in Edinburgh

Tenacity is key, always

Another exciting opportunity came my way to hold dog photography demos at DogFest in partnership with London Camera Exchange. I absolutely love this festival! I attended the previous year and had quite the saga, as documented in this video. So, I was thrilled to be invited back, this time in collaboration with LCE.

The Scarf Project

Mid-summer arrived, typically my favourite time of year. I cherish the long evenings, stunning sunsets, and warm weather. By this point, The Scarf Project had been on a significant hiatus, but after dabbling with it here and there with the likes of my friend Dave, it finally felt like the right time to dust it off and begin searching for new models.

The aim of this series, which celebrates the ephemeral beauty that dogs bring into our lives, is to ultimately create a book. However, I still have a long way to go before I’ve captured enough images to make that dream a reality. Stay tuned—it’s a journey I’m excited to continue once more in the coming months. If you’d like to apply to take part with your dog, you can learn more about the project and submit an application here.

Reigniting The Scarf Project brought a jolt of fear to my slowly rebuilding confidence. These photos are so special and unique, but they’re also particularly challenging to create. I couldn’t help but wonder—would I still be able to capture them in the same way? I wasn’t sure. But deep down, I knew there was only one way to find out: by trying.

I’ll admit, my stomach was in knots as I returned to this project after so much had changed. It felt daunting, almost like starting over. But I pushed through, and as each session unfolded, I became increasingly pleased with the results. Slowly but surely, my confidence began to soar again. Sometimes, the only way forward is through, and I’m so glad I took that leap.

All Dogs Matter

With my confidence gradually increasing and a sense of slowly settling back into my own skin, I decided to book another travel session road trip. This time, I opened up sessions down south in a city I’ve always wanted to visit: Oxford.

The timing worked out perfectly, as it coincided with a project I’d been asked to be involved in just north of London with Wex Photo & Video and All Dogs Matter. The project, run by Wex, aimed to promote dogs in need of a second chance. The concept was beautifully tied together: just as Wex sells secondhand cameras alongside brand-new gear, the message was that sometimes a second home can be the better home—whether for an unloved camera or a dog in need.


Once the project wrapped up, my travels took me to Oxford. My lovely mum joined me on this adventure to assist once again, and as a treat, I decided to book an Airbnb houseboat for our stay. I thought, What an adventure that would be!

Let’s just say the boat wasn’t quite as described, and it didn’t turn out to be the idyllic experience we’d hoped for. Think partially working showers and some glaring maintenance issues. But we made the most of it, sharing plenty of laughs at the unexpected situation we found ourselves in.

Click each image to enlage

The sessions I had in and around Oxford’s stunning city centre were a joy. They were far more straightforward than my experience the previous year, shooting in Cambridge. Unlike Cambridge, Oxford felt quieter and more pedestrian-friendly—a dream for a dog photographer. With less hustle and bustle and fewer cars navigating the city centre, it was far easier to focus on capturing the perfect shots.

In addition to my Mum, I had the pleasure of having a talented photographer join me for one of the sessions: fellow dog photographer Prathima pf Pawparazzi, who came all the way from India! We’ve followed each other on social media for years, so it was wonderful to finally meet in person.

Prathima was incredibly helpful and a true expert when it comes to dogs. Her knowledge and enthusiasm made shooting even more enjoyable, and it was such a privilege to work alongside someone who shares the same passion for capturing the beauty of our four-legged friends.


Someone I absolutely must give a shout-out to in this reflection of the last year is fellow dog photographer Holly of Holly Dwyer Photography. for She’s an incredibly talented, Manchester-based photographer I’ve known professionally for years. This past year, however, we found ourselves walking eerily similar paths and connected on a much deeper level. We often used talking about our shared experiences as a means to just get through the day.

I dare say we’ve helped each other navigate what has probably been the toughest year of our lives so far. I’m so grateful that our shared passion for dogs and photography brought us together, allowing us to support each other in staying (mostly) sane through 2024!

This photo was supposed to be something quite different but we had a giggle creating it regardless!


One final trip involving the creation of a Scarf Project portrait took place before the year came to a close. This time, I headed down to Eastbourne to photograph my German cousin’s little Havanese, Izzy. I had photographed her once before, but this was her debut as a model for The Scarf Project.

The resulting portrait? To be revealed SOON! Keep an eye on my socials—you won’t want to miss it.

The British Photography Awards

As 2024 began to draw to a close, it had a special treat in store for me. My portrait of Louis the Havanese, taken on the scenic Nick of Pendle near my new home, was shortlisted for the British Photography Awards. This meant a trip down to London for the awards ceremony!

Swipe to come with me to London for the ceremony

While my portrait didn’t take home the prize this time, being shortlisted and part of such a prestigious event was a huge honour in itself. It was a moment to celebrate, reflect, and feel proud of how far I’ve come this year.

The Festive Seasons

Every year, I make a point of creating a Halloween portrait of my dogs—usually involving pumpkins in some way—and this year was no exception. I collected around 60 pumpkins from a local pumpkin patch (with Mabel enthusiastically tagging along to “help”) and carted them up the hill to the cemetery near my house. The goal was to create a spooky, festive vibe, and this was the result:

Swipe for the behind-the-scenes video!

As I worked on this portrait, I felt my soul begin to light up. For the first time in a long while, my creative mojo felt like it was fully flowing again. I can’t even begin to describe the relief and joy of acknowledging that feeling—the sheer uplift after enduring so much pain and challenge throughout the year. It was incredible, like a part of me I thought I’d lost had finally returned.

One Last Shock

2024 couldn’t end without throwing one last curveball my way. My lovely assistant Terri, who had been with me for nearly six years, decided it was time to move on from CatsDog Photography to pursue a new calling. I was absolutely devastated—Terri had been such a massive asset to the team—but I understood her desire to spread her wings.

Eventually, I saw this change as an opportunity to bring fresh energy into the business and recruit someone new to help shape CatsDog Photography in its evolving form. After several rounds of phone and in-person interviews, I found the person I knew in my gut was the perfect fit for the role. You can watch me go through the process in the video below:

Chihuahua Charm

*The* holiday season soon rolled around, and this one felt quite different from those of years gone by. Not only had I expanded my Chihuahua pack to three, but my parents had also caught the Chihuahua bug! They introduced a sweet little rescue named Indie into their household, making it a festive season filled with even more tiny paws. It seems the Chihuahua charm is contagious!

Indie the day we brought her home — swipe to watch my video of the day

Christmas was pure chaos—in the best way possible. On Christmas Day, I decided to embrace the madness and capture a portrait of all four Chihuahuas together. Mabel and Poppy were perfectly compliant, Indie was a bit of a wiggle-bum but could be distracted just long enough by treats to strike a pose, but Lily? Oh, Lily. Would she ditch her signature sad seal face and give me those pretty ears for the photo? Absolutely not. She’s a complete diva who refuses to do anything on demand. 🤣

While I typically aim for eye contact and alert expressions in my portraits, the chaotic charm of this one perfectly encapsulates the moment. Sometimes, it’s the imperfections that make a photo truly special. You can swipe the photo below to see the chaos behind the scenes:

This wholesome end to a year that began with so much hopelessness was a powerful reminder of the resilience you can build in adversity.

My year concluded with the promise of new beginnings, a bolstered sense of confidence, and a refreshed team ready to tackle the future. I’m determined to find joy in every moment now and absolutely dominate 2025.

Bring. It. On!

Good Boy Ollie

I am beside myself with excitement sharing this with you.

We recently collaborated with a Good Boy you may know called Ollie for our Scarf Project. 🤎 The location we chose for this epic portrait is an iconic UK landmark called Durdle Door – somewhere I’ve been wanting to shoot at for quite some time.

We’ve been working on The Scarf Project over the course of the last 18 months to create a series of dog portraits at epic locations with colourful material flowing around them.

The project started as a spark of inspiration between me and Michael one day and has now taken on a life of its own! But more on that another day.

Special thanks to David Baker (pictured on the left) for helping us with filming and the creation of Ollie’s portrait. Thanks too to Ollie’s human Alex (on the other side of me) for producing such a good dogo and of course thank you to Ollie (who as you will see in this video is no stranger to the CatsDog lens) for you know, being a Good Boy.

So what went on behind the scenes of this shoot with Good Boy Ollie and how the heck was his scarf portrait even created? Take a look at this video to find out…

Dogs In Space

I’ve been meaning to create some colourful photos of dogs using gels or RGB lights for quite some time now, but never got around to actioning it; until recently.  Not long ago PixaPro reached out and offered us the pick of their store. ✨

Obvs I had to go with their RGB Rainbow tubes. Watch this video below to see how it went and learn how to create an other-worldly look for yourself with different colour combinations.

Even if you’re not a photographer yourself, I am confident you will be left smiling, and not only because of the colourful fluffy pups! 👇🏻

One of the bonuses of these lights is that they are super affordable, so you can attain that colourful look even on a small budget. I used my Sony A7riv with a 12-24mm 2.8 lens for these portraits, but you can get great results with these lights using just an iPhone camera or something similar and following our techniques.

Special thanks to David Baker for helping us with the filming of this video. We appreciate you!

Thanks also to our models Luna and Kiki for participating in this project.


1x 90cm & 2x 120cm Rainbow Series 320-degree RGB LED Light Tube

Collapsible Background


Full transparency – we have an affiliate link with PixaPro, which means if you use the links above we will get a small commission from your purchase. Use the code CATSDOG at checkout and you can get 5% off full-price items too!

In Bruges

Would you trust us?

If someone walked into your shop and asked if they could borrow your doggy for twenty minutes for a photo shoot would you let them?

We must have looked like a trustworthy bunch because that’s exactly what happened here! 😂

On the day this photo was taken, we were adventuring around the beautiful city of Bruges with our uber-talented friends Kaylee & Sam of Dog Breath Photography (pictured above). We had been exploring all the hot spots the city had to offer and taking plenty of photos of Poppy in front of them in the process, including one in front of The Rozenhoedkaai – Bruges most photographed corner.

We wandered into a cute little boutique (where Michael got himself a fancy new suit) and were perusing the beautiful garments. Suddenly, from under the rails of shirts popped an adorable furry little face!

Of course, both being dog photographers, my red-headed friend and I simultaneously squealed in delight at the surprise shiny nose twitching up towards us. I whispered that he would be perfect on the grey steps of the Provincial Court building, back in the square that we had just walked through. After mustering up the courage to put the idea to the shop owners, I walked up to them to ask. I showed them some of my work and promised to look after him as if he were my own little dog Poppy.

I was over the moon when they agreed to let us – a group of total strangers – take him out of the shop with us for a mini photo shoot in the Market Square!

Strolling out of the shop and onto the bustling street didn’t seem to phase the little fella at all, Nucci happily trotted along and followed us up the grand Neogothical steps outside the historic Provincial Court doorway, where I took his portrait. We paused at the end for a quick cuddle before taking him back to his shop.

I’m so glad I gathered the balls to make the usual request that I did, oftentimes being spontaneous and following random ideas through pays off. I hope this inspires you to do something off the cuff too!

Swipe left to see the elements that made up Nucci’s portrait

Iconic Spots and Limestone Pavements

Some outings stick in your mind more than others, this was one of them

My heart was in my mouth as we clambered over the jagged stepping stones – not only because of the drop below but also because I was about to make a dream photo come true. No words can accurately describe the other-worldly appeal of Malham Cove. The limestone pavement was formed during the ice age when an ancient waterfall tumbled over the rocks. As the harsh weather changed, it opened up large crevices in the rock, leaving behind an epic landscape.

This iconic cove is a magical place that I’ve had pegged to shoot at for quite some time, so as soon as a session with Dalmatian cross Darcy and her new Dalmatian sister Darla was on the cards I knew that the mottled rocky formations would be the perfect setting for this spotty pair.

Darcy has had a session with us before – but that one was on the Royal Albert Docks, a far cry from our spot here in the wilds of the Yorkshire Dales.

The recce

The previous week Michael and I had investigated the location with my parents – where we met for a socially distanced walk in celebration of my birthday. We traversed from the Cove to Gordale Scar and down to Janet’s Foss, but on this occasion, I had nothing more than my iPhone with me.

Swipe left to see more iPhone snaps

When we got back to the car that evening, I noticed that the sun was setting a little earlier on the top of the cove due to the surrounding hills casting a shadow.

I knew this meant our session would have to begin a little earlier to avoid arriving at the top to a sun sunk behind the surrounding hills. It’s quite a hike to the top, so if this happened, the beautiful golden hour light that sculpts the rocks would be gone, and our efforts would be wasted.

So we decided that a sunset session time for Darcy and Darla’s adventure should be a little earlier than usual and the following week we drove through the breathtaking Yorkshire Dales to meet them.

After following the long windy path along the river and pottering around at the base of the Cove where the water fascinatingly springs out of the bottom, we hiked up the 400+ steps in the sweltering Indian summer sun. I was already feeling pretty exhausted. Darla was only eight months old but big enough to pull us over if she shot off in the wrong direction. I gripped onto her lead tightly as we scrambled over the uneven rocks, my pulse racing.

The most challenging breed to shoot!

Dalmatians are one of my favourite breeds to photograph.  They are also notoriously one of the hardest!  True to form, Darcy and Darla were certainly not the easiest pair I have ever photographed! Darla was initially a little wary of the camera and our strobe light. That, coupled with the incredibly uneven surface of the limestone pavement meant we really had to take it easy and be mindful of our whereabouts, monitoring the dog’s energy levels at all times.

This is where Michael really shines.

If you know anything about us by now, you will know that he is a bonafide dog whisperer. Throughout the session, he had been gaining Darla’s trust and gradually bringing her round to the unpredictable clicks of my camera and pops of my flash.

The sun was beginning to race towards the horizon, and I knew we didn’t have much time to nail the shot I had been dreaming up.

When you are in this kind of situation, it is important not to panic and fall into the trap of ‘spray and pray’ – i.e. shooting without intention for fear of missing the moment. Ironically by doing this, you usually end up missing the mark because you are not focused enough on one idea or concept. I wasn’t going to let the so-called panic shooting set in.

Making my vision come to life

Something that has stuck with me throughout my photographic career is the voice of my old boss when I was training with him in family portraiture a decade ago – chanting ‘see the moment Cat!’  He was from the film days – an era where you only had 30 photos on a film roll so precision was of utmost importance and wasted shots were a big no-no.

So that is exactly what I did. I scrambled over the rocks, squatting down occasionally and looking through my viewfinder to see where that moment might take place.

The challenge with my composition was that I knew I wanted to shoot from a super low angle so that I could point my camera upwards towards my furry heroes. However, such a low angle meant cutting out the breathtaking views over the Yorkshire Dales which is part of the charm of this location.

Eventually, I found the perfect spot that allowed me to nestle into one of the crevices in the rocks next to a gap overlooking the cliff, showing far-reaching views across the Yorkshire Dales. In the final photo of them together, you can see the winding path we had just walked up to the far left as a thin white line along the ground.

I knew that I needed to be quite close to my subjects to create the quirky wide-angle look I was after, but by the same token I realised this would mean cutting out much of the landscape to the left and right of the dogs I had so carefully chosen this spot for.

Planning ahead, I pre-empted that some extra photos would be needed to the left and right of my main shot once I had it in the bag. More on that later!

Dogs will be dogs

This was it! Everything was starting to fall into place. I called the gang over and felt butterflies rise in my stomach. The only challenge now was getting the dogs to play ball.

And we all know how easy that is! In case you are not from my tiny little island, that’s British sarcasm. 😆)

The protruding rock I had picked out was just about big enough to fit the two dogs on, but when it came to sitting and facing my direction, divas Darcy and Darla had other ideas. 😂

At first, Darla sat with her back to me, clearly much more interested in the setting sun than my desire to capture it before it disappeared forever. Darcy, a little older and wiser than her younger sibling, shuffled towards the edge of the rock keeping her eye on the treats in my hand while simultaneously blocking Darla and any view of the landscape behind her I had hoped to capture.

Michael had his work cut out but all was not lost. He has this magic way with how he holds the leads  – similar to how a horse rider feels the tension in the horses bit through their reins and manipulates them to signal the direction in which they want to go (not that we should be sitting on any animals back in this day and age.)

Creating a sun-star

The golden sun in the sky was in the perfect position to create a well-placed sun-star. I was already using a narrow aperture to maintain all the detail in both my surroundings and two subjects, and I knew if I could compose the sun in the right place, it would be perfectly defined.

If you want to incorporate sun-stars into your photos, first of all, you will need a clear sky. It is better if the sun is lower in the sky and a little less intense – although I have shot midday sun-stars on occasion so never say never! To increase the definition of your sun-star, partially covering it often helps too.

Learn how to set your camera up to capture a sun-star in my short TikTok tutorial (and while you are there hit follow so we can hang out!).

Using his extensive understanding of canine body language, he gently coaxed the pair into the spot I desired. They were both stood practically on top of each other as I was composing the sun to shine through their legs when Darcy slumped down onto the cool stone (still keeping an eye on the treats Michael was holding off-camera) creating an entanglement of spotty fur with her sister. My heart leapt into my mouth once more as the sun streamed through Darla’s legs, just above Darcy’s backside – this was the moment!

I mustered my best high pitched cat impression and clicked the shutter as Darla’s head delightfully tilted to one side in curiosity.

As the pair began to wiggle out of position on top of the rock, I drew the camera away from my face to look at the screen, and my heart sank. I had got so wrapped up in the crucial head tilt moment that I had inadvertently chopped off Darcy’s paw. Quick as lightning, I pulled the camera back to my face and took another photo – this time incorporating that all-important mottled paw – phew. It’s just as well we are well out of the film days! 😂

Move the slider to see the straight out of camera photo vs the edited version

The finishing components

Remember those extra photos that I predicted I would need when setting up the shot? This was the moment to take them.

I locked my camera settings and held firm my position as the dogs were moved out of the shot. Then I twisted my body around from left to right taking extra shots so that I could use them to extend the canvas later and create one epic panoramic photo that does justice to this spectacular location.

I am often asked if I use a tripod for this kind of scenario, but I prefer to shoot freehand as the nature of my work (photographing wriggly subjects like Darcy And Darla) means that I have to adjust my position quite frequently as the shot develops to adapt to their evolving positions within the frame.

My ‘blank shots’ and the stitch of them composed together to create a panoramic

To see how I subsequently edit a photo stitch like this check out my Instagram video showing my process in Photoshop – where the magic touches are applied to bring this kind of photo together.

People are often astounded at how much work goes into creating this kind of photograph, both in its production on location and the post-processing.

My friends think I’m a little mad at times for going to all this effort, but for me and my clients, lugging a load of heavy equipment up 400 steps for a dog photography adventure followed by hours in the digital darkroom bringing my vision to life is extremely rewarding, in fact, it sets my soul on fire with delight throughout the entire process and leaves my clients with something so special it may well become an heirloom!

If this sounds like the kind of experience you would like to have with the furry face in your life fill in your details here and request our lovely Terri will give you a bell.

See you soon for the next adventure!

Behind the Scenes Video

The Finished Artwork

Thanks to Darcy and Darla’s human for sending this snap of her artwork hanging in her home. She chose an impactful acrylic collection (a Lassie set in Ice frames) which just so happens to be my personal favourite design. I love the concept of having a large hero piece in the centre with storytelling pieces around the outside.

The middle frame is included in our UK Travel session package, which can take place anywhere in the UK.

Seeing the finished article here is incredibly satisfying!

Canines in Chicago

Happy Dancing

When a highly respected fellow photographer asks you to cross the Atlantic to photograph her dogs, you happy dance on the spot with a squeal of ‘hell yeah’! – Right?! That is a moment-by-moment account of what happened when Barbara reached out to me last year. So, we packed our bags and jetted to Illinois, USA.

Guess who waited for us at the airport? An adorable Frenchie pup that answers to the name of Grizwald.

From the first moment, when he jumped onto my lap and gleefully nibbled on my chin, (a trait he has held onto to this day!) my heart was his. The little darling covered me in kisses the whole way home, right until we got into the house where his sibling’s Ping (a terrier mix) and Fern (a beautiful Bernese) waited at the door.

Immediately Fern attempted to bring Grizzy into line as he strutted about the kitchen, keen to keep all eyes on him! Meanwhile, Ping nestled her head into our laps, determined to steal the spotlight from her wild little brother and claim her place as the golden girl.

Too Much of a Good Thing?

Let me tell you – choosing a spot to photograph these three beauties was… a different kind of challenge. The back garden is BEAUTIFUL and its acres of trees were filled with deer and chipmunks. I felt like Snow White, lost in a magical forest. Just TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. So, where do you photograph in all this idyll?

(Believe it or not, I’m pretty choosy when it comes to selecting locations. There’s a right spot and a wrong spot in every place. Yes, even in a Snow White paradise, my brain’s working overtime to select just the right spot to photograph these amazing dogs.)

The area at the back of the house turned out to be the perfect spot for a portrait of all three of them together. Ping has got herself quite a reputation for being on ‘chipmunk patrol’ – so we had to keep a close eye on her.

But wait. There was that little issue of Ping, chasing the chipmunks. (Did you know terriers love to chase rodents?!) And puppy Grizwald, getting constantly distracted by, well, everything! (Puppies are adorable and also flighty.) That’s just a typical day-in-the-life, though, when working with multiple dogs in gorgeous outdoor settings. And, it’s not our first rodeo. We got strategizing immediately.

Keeping Things Under Control

To help keep the dogs in one spot we dragged the garden table to our spot in the enclosed decking area and popped the three of them on top. Fern was surprised – she’s never been invited to jump up on the table her humans ate at!

To compete with the wildlife distractions, I came out with my own range of squeaky sounds (did I mention I pack dog and duck whistles in my carry-on?) while Michael worked his dog whispering magic to keep them on the table.

Now that, my friends, is how magical doggie portraits are made!

It takes a lot of planning, strategizing, and quacking like a duck. A lot of treats, a lot of cuddles, and some well-timed shutter clicking. I absolutely adored Barbara, her lovely husband John, and her pack. I’m so grateful she asked us to travel to her beautiful part of the world to create these special moments for them as a celebration of their fur-family.

And just think – without social media, we would never have had a chance to connect. Maybe you’re local to me in the UK or perhaps you are like Barbara halfway across the world reading this message. No matter where you are, let’s connect and talk dog.

You can find out more about our Worldwide Travel Sessions here.

Behind the Scenes Video