Samoyed/White Spitz-type Dog Model Call!
Spitz-type pawrents this is for you!
I am creating a special set of portraits for the photography brand PixaPro to demonstrate their colorful Rainbow-Seris lights and I need a white dog model with a solid stay command to model for the project. Could this be your dogo?
The shoot will be filmed and turned into YouTube / TikTok videos – a claim to fame for your pooch and as a thank you for taking part I will be giving you a copy of the final portraits we produce from the shoot. I will of course have my partner in crime – dog whisperer Michael with me so he will be able to manage your gorgeous babies’ enjoyment of the shoot so that it’s fun and rewarding for them.
We will be positioning a set of these colorful tubes around your dog to cast gorgeous colorful light onto their fur – which may take some experimenting with, so a solid stay command will be essential for the creation of this special portrait.
Fill in your details below and don’t forget to attach a photo of your furry hero, I will be selecting my chosen model by the end of the w/c 4/7/22 so keep an eye out for me reaching out to you!